Mica Mining

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Do you wear makeup on a day to day basis?

Do you enjoy the way makeup makes you feel?

Do you think about makeup when you use it ?

Have you ever stopped and read the ingredients that are used to make your precious makeup?

Does your makeup contain Mica?

Do you know what or how Mica is collected?

Lets go to where it all starts, under the ground in Madagascar

Well Mica is the name applied to a group of minerals that form in layers at once flexible and strong. Mica has been used in the cosmetics industry for a long time to add sparkle to makeup and paints.

And it's being mined by an underground army of child labourers in Madagascar. Children as young as four years old are working long hours in often dangerous conditions to collect a mineral that will be worth nearly 500 times more when it leaves Madagascar's shores.

They use children to mine Mica as they have a smaller body proportion to that of an adult so it makes it easy for them to fit down into the mines and grab out the Mica.

At least 10,000 children are forced to work in the mica industry, according to UNICEF researchers. Many of them only eat at night and suffer from adult injuries such as back pain from hunching over for long periods of time, as well as headaches from the heat and lack of water or oxygen inside the mines. All this work for about $2 a day, all this work for our beautiful makeup products.

To prevent child labor, UNICEF works to break the cycle of poverty and provide children and families with alternative options. For example, a UNICEF-supported cash transfer program helps vulnerable families in Madagascar pay for basics such as food and clothing, so they can continue paying their children's school fees

UNICEF have been pivotal in helping families avoid taking such extreme measures to survive. UNICEF promotes increased access to high-quality education and provides a variety of social services to keep children safe and with their families so that they are not forced to put themselves in dangerous situations in order to help their families.

Help UNICEF deliver services to vulnerable children and families. With your support, we can break the cycle of poverty that leads to child labor and other forms of exploitation and abuse.

Support UNICEF by donating some money or even some of your time to help vulnerable children in Madagascar and around the world.

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