New Zealand
My Dad's Story
My Dad was born in Tokoroa, New Zealand, He was born into a very large family
with 4 older sibling and 1 younger,
he also grew up with two family dobermanns named Bruno and Lady.
His ancestors came to New Zealand on a Sailing boat.
His home growing up was very cramped considering that there were a lot
of people in one house.
My dad is a Catholic and had to go to Church ever Sunday
with his family, This helped Him gained better values in life.
My Dad's Hobbies included playing sports and making models.
My dad felt very fortunate when his family got there first TV
(even thought it was in Black and White).
My Dad is the leftenant commander of the Royal New Zealand Navy My Mum's Story My Mum was born in Auckland, New Zealand, She was born into a very large family
and has been given maybe differnt oppotuinties over his worktime,
for example he got the honour of carrying Sir Edmond Hillarys Coffin.
with 5 older sibling,
She also grew up with her cousin living in her house
Her ancestors came to New Zealand on a boats and some on planes
Her home growing up was very modest an nice even though there were a lot
of people in one house.
My mum is ot religious but she still beleives in some of the church's teachings
This helped her gain better values in life.
My Mums Hobbies included playing sports like badminton
My mum felt very lucky to be brought up in such a amazing household and live such a amazing life
One of her momorys is the memorys being able to go dancing
with her nana after she had finsihed her badmington champs